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ivory-billed woodpecker artinya

contoh kalimat "ivory-billed woodpecker"
  • Think of it as an extinction of a species, like the passenger pigeon or the ivory-billed Woodpecker.
    Anggap saja sebagai kepunahan suatu spesies, seperti burung merpati pengantar surat
  • As of August 2007, hundreds of birds have been recorded, including pileated woodpeckers, but not the ivory-billed woodpecker.
    Sejak Agustus 2007, beratus-ratus burung telah terekam, seperti Pelatuk Jambul, namun bukan Pelatuk Paruh Gading.
  • The CLO authors could not say with absolute certainty that the sounds recorded in Arkansas were made by ivory-billed woodpeckers.
    Cornell tidak bisa mengatakan dengan kepastian mutlak bahwa suara yang direkam di Arkansas berasal dari Pelatuk Paruh Gading.
  • Bobby Harrison of Huntsville, Alabama, and Tim Gallagher of Ithaca, New York, both reported seeing an ivory-billed woodpecker at the same time.
    Bobby Harrison dari Huntsville, Alabama dan Tim Gallagher dari Ithaca, New York, melaporkan adanya Pelatuk Paruh Gading pada waktu yang sama.
  • At that time, the ivory-billed woodpecker ranged from east Texas to North Carolina, and from southern Illinois to Florida and Cuba.
    Pada waktu itu, Pelatuk Paruh Gading tersebar dari Texas bagian timur sampai Carolina Utara, dan dari Illinois bagian selatan sampai Florida dan Kuba.
  • On the afternoon of 27 January 2002, after 10 days, a rapping sound similar to the "double knock" made by the ivory-billed woodpecker was heard and recorded.
    27 Januari 2002 sore, setelah 10 hari, suara genderang berupa "ketukan ganda" yang berasal dari Pelatuk Paruh Gading terdengar dan direkam.
  • The ivory-billed woodpecker was listed as an endangered species on 11 March 1967, though the only evidence of its existence at the time was a possible recording of its call made in East Texas.
    Pelatuk Paruh Gading dimasukkan sebagai spesies terancam pada 11 Maret 1967, meskipun bukti keberadaannya saat itu hanya berupa rekaman tentang suaranya dari Texas Timur.
  • The photos, taken with a cheap Instamatic camera, show what appears to be a male ivory-billed woodpecker perched on the trunks of two trees in the Atchafalaya Basin of Louisiana.
    Foto- foto tersebut, diambil oleh Kamera Instamatik murahan, menunjukkan apa yang tampak seperti jantan pada Pelatuk Paruh Gading yang bertengger pada dua batang pohon berbeda di Rawa Atchafalaya, Louisiana.
  • The ivory-billed woodpecker is sometimes referred to as the holy grail bird (because of its rarity and elusiveness) and the Lord God bird or the Good God bird (both based on the exclamations of awed onlookers).
    Pelatuk Paruh Gading kadang-kadang dikenal sebagai Burung Grail, Burung Lord God (Lord God Bird), atau Good God Bird, semua itu berdasarkan seruan kagum para penonton.
  • In September 2006, new claims that the ivory-billed woodpecker may not be extinct were released by a research group consisting of members from Auburn University in Alabama and the University of Windsor in Ontario.
    Bulan September 2006, klaim baru bahwa Pelatuk Paruh Gading tidak mungkin punah seperti yang diutarakan oleh kelompok riset terdiri dari anggota dari Universitas Auburn di Alabama dan Universitas Windsor di Ontario.
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